Meetings in the past...
The "Electrochemistry 2018 - Electrochemical Surface Science: From Fundamentals to Applications" will take place in Ulm on September 24th – 26th, 2016. We are happy to join and sponsor this event. See our products and meet us during the coffee breaks and poster sessions.
Detail about the conference can be found here.
For the first time, Sensolytics will be present for exhibition at the EUROCORR, held from September 9th to 13th in Sevilla, Spain.
From May 12th to 15th, we are looking forward to meet customers and friends at the 25th Topical Meeting of the ISE titled "New electrochemical processes for energy and the environment". The meeting will taky place in Toledo, Spain. Find further information at the conference website...
We are looking forward to meet customers and friends at the 70th Annual Meeting of the ISE titled "Linking Resources to Sustainable Development" held in Durban, South Africa. From august 4th to 9th you will find us in the exhibition. More infos at the conference website...
We are looking forward to meet customers and friends at the 68th Annual Meeting of the ISE titled "Electrochemistry without borders" held in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. From august 27th to september 1st you will find us in the exhibition. More infos at the conference website...